Inspirations for January Third!

Written by Ecmascript Hacker

Quote – Me

Why are you alive? It’s not question of chance but of choice.

Musing over - Daily Inspiration from the Monk who sold his Ferrari

Today’s inspiration is about Impact and Legacy; and about Personal Greatness. January 3 deals with Success and how it is a by-product of work.

Robin Sharma points out that success is achieved when efforts concentrate for a worthy cause. I have to disagree with it. FaceBook was not a worthy cause but it is a success.

I’d like to point out that sometimes even concentrated efforts do not produce success. You must commit to it as being natural.

Here are my musings over this topic. These are mine and original, so critique harder.

Success comes in all forms and flavors.

One should treat success as natural outcome of hard work; only then one can work hard.

Success shouldn’t be chased. That avenue goes down the rabit hole faster than anything else.

Success is like beauty; both have their values in the eyes of their beholder.